Some couples come to see me in times of despair and often feeling hopelessness that their relationship is over and damaged beyond repair. Others because they are frustrated and overwhelmed with the constant conflict and disconnect that they are experiencing and do not know how to make it better. The couple therapy that I provide can help couples work through and heal from their struggles in what ever place of distress and disconnect they are in if both partners are open to it.
Families that come in to see me are struggling with various degrees of distress and/or conflict that results from a variety of stressors and challenges. These families struggle with knowing how to communicate in effective, healthy ways, as well as, not feeling emotionally safe to be vulnerable and share how they are feeling and what they are needing from each other. The lack of healthy communication often leads to increased disconnect and intensified conflict within the family system.
Individuals come to me seeking relief from a variety of challenges such as overwhelming sadness, anxiety, loss, a stressful or traumatic event and difficulty with an important relationship. Ultimately, people come to me for guidance in how to feel happy, secure and content with themselves, their relationships and their life.